
My name is Herwig Bachner. I live with my family in Graz, Austria.

Beginning in the early eighties during my studies at the Technische Universtät Graz, I started to engage myself to Software Development at a professional level.

My occupational carrier started at 1988 as a Software Developer. For the next 23 years till 2011 I worked for the company Winterheller Software. Starting with 1992 I was leading the Software Development department till 2010. During this period I was also the officer for the IT department. My team and I where developing the software Professional Planner, which is a financial planning software, based on the OLCAP technology, also developed by us. OLCAP (Online Calculation and Analytical Processing) is a new level of in memory database technology, which allows fast and very complex calculation operations in hierarchical data structures. Professional Planner has been and is still used by several thousands midsize companies in Germany and Austria.

From 2011 till 2017 I worked as  Software Architect at the company prevero AG. I was mainly focused on a WEB front-end client, using HTML and JavaScript, Typescript (Angular). A single page application working on desktop browser as well as on mobile devices with the user experience as on a rich client.

In 2016 the prevero company was bought by Unit4. From 2018 till 2021, I was mainly working on research issues about Artificial Intelligence. During this time, I got a lot of experiences about Neural Network (TensorFlow) on time series regarding our CPM software.

Currently, I’m working as Software Architect on several cloud enterprise products of Unit4.

Additionally sometimes I develop software tools and apps for mobile devices (Android and IOS) and do consulting support for questions about Artificial Intelligence, software architecture and development at mobile, WEB, cloud and enterprise solutions.

I also have some experiences as a speaker, among others at the FH Eisenstadt and as lecture at the Universität Graz.


I like to develop software to the needs of my customers to describe and realize their visions. To build Software which forms the futures is one the most fascinating doings for me. I am very proud about having build software products, in which many customer and companies around the world trust and plan their future. I feel really confident, that this software helped many customers to make the right decisions for their future to get satisfaction and economic wealth. For my future this is the motivation to go straight forward this way, building software which bring many positive effects to our world.


1988 – 1991
Software Developer Winterheller Consulting Graz. Developing Software Professional Planner Clipper Version and porting the software to C under MS Windows 3.0.
1991 – 2011
Officer Software Development Department. Architect on all new technical skills of  Professional Planner.
1993 – 2010
Officer IT Department.
1997 – 2008
Member of the board. Officer for Development & Research and IT. During this period, the software Professional Planner has been used by more then 5000 midsize companies in German speaking Europe. The software was also translated to 8 languages and was used around the word. The company itself was growing during this period from 20 employees to about 150 employees and had 7 subsidiaries in Germany, Austria and Sweden.
2005 – 2008
Officer with statutory authority of Winterheller Software GmbH.
2007 – 2010
Officer with statutory authority of  Winterheller Software AG.
2008 – 2010
Managing director of Winterheller Software GmbH (CTO).
2011 – 2017
Software architect prevero AG, enterprise application development & design, WEB application development.
2018 – now
Software architect Unit4 Prevero – Enterprise application development – Research on innovations mainly about AI topics.
1995 – 2000
Partner of Winterheller Consulting GmbH and Winterheller Software GmbH.
1997 – 2011
Partner of Winterheller Software AG.