Thoughts about AI based Forecasting

During the last months, I was focussed on doing Financial Forecasting using Neural Networks. It is really amazing how good these kind of problems could be solved with that.

If having enough actual data on time serieses and the business is relative stable, it is quite easy to get results with an accuracy up to 80% – 90%.

But sure, such results depends on the quality of the data. So I never had datasets which worked out of the box. There was always data cleaning processes needed to get a good quality like above.

So everone who thought, that there is no work to do anymore regarding forecasting using AI. Hi guys, unfortunately I have to disappoint you. It helps you to do less recurrent ordinary work and give you more space for creativity.

After reaching the first successes, the ambition was coming up to me. What to do to improve the accuracy? Believe me, there is a lot you can do. Imporoving the data quality, change the model configuration, adding new features, etc.

One of the faszinating points is to find and add new features which influences the predictions. It’s not only adding new values you have inside the data, but it’s more about filtering, calculation and manipulations or to find also external data. It’s like a game to find hidden secrets with limitless creativity. It’s an addiction in finding percent points improving the quality.

As Neural Networks are still stupid (it’s only an algorithm), I believe, this will be one intelligent works for people in the future. Robots will not kill our jobs, but the work will change.

Named Business Locks – 1.Step

At the moment I’m dealing with a concurrency problem. It is not a technical problem in a multi threaded environment, but a process issue. Inside a modern software architecture where microservices are distributed across multiple physical machines, I would like to set up a locking mechanism that locks a named business object for a single access. The aim here is to protect the entire process that may run across multiple machines and services from multiple access. I call this objects Named Business Locks.


An ordering process over the Internet requires several steps for a user, which triggers subprocesses on the server. The user uses a voucher code that he redeems. The voucher expires only when the order process is completed. However, the intermediate steps on the server already require the voucher code. It’s on the Named Business Locks to prevent that the user uses the voucher code for several processes at the same time.

It’s like a transaction, where only one process can be successful at the end, but I would like to point out the user from the very beginning that the voucher code is already in progress and can only be used once.

This guardian object Named Business Lock should solve the following requirements:

  • It has to be easy to use like a mutex (lock, unlock, try_lock time_lock).
  • Locks should be recursive, and it should be cleanable.
  • There should be also a default timeout
  • The objects should be based on Databases or Files
  • The object must also be thread save.
  • It should be available in different languages (C++, C#, Javascript, Java, Phyton)

During the next months, I will try to build some libraries for different programming languages and different scenarios as described and will come back with information’s where to get the code.




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